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Deeply İlk ve Son

  • Año :

  • Género :

    Drama, Romance
  • Elenco :

    Ozge Ozpirincci, Salih Bademci
  • Productor :

    Blu TV
  • Duración :

    8 TV Horas
  • Horas de TV / Temporada

  • País de Origen :

  • Disponible en :

    Episodios Terminados & Formato

“Everything is known by its opposite. The best way to describe the light is to show the darkness first.”

Deeply; It is the adventure of Deniz and Barış’s unbridled love spanning 10 years.
The relationship of two young people who met in their mid-20s and lasted until their late 30’s. A love story sometimes sunny, sometimes stormy, sometimes possible, often impossible.

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