Turkish Tastes with Refika Refika ile Öze Dönüş

  • Año :

  • Género :

  • Productor :

    Refika Birgul
  • Episodios :

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    Episodios Terminados & Formato

Refika is back in television with her brand new cooking show! She is not just one of the most creative and versatile cooks in Turkey, but she has also been the go-to-person for the most delicious quick and easy recipes when you are back from work, school, or just don’t want to spend hours in the kitchen.

But this time, she goes outside of her remarkable kitchen across Bosphorus to get fresh ingredients, find colorful memorabilia, and meet new people in Istanbul. Not to mention she cooks for her friends who visit her Bosphorus atelier, where she crafts numerous goods to enjoy with the locals.

Throughout the season we will see Refika going after the basic but long forgotten values that made the Turkish cuisine and culture precious. While she introduces us to the recipes and techniques that play an important role in the Turkish gastronomy, she also does not forget to make the most out of what she has at hand. The sustainability is an important element of what she does as she gives us tips for how to use the leftovers.

Refika believes that food is more delicious and fun when it is shared with the loved ones, and invites her friends to share her joy and passion for food in her unique and historical building with Istanbul’s incredible Bosphorus scenery. Come and join her in this feast of taste.

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